本研究会は、日本の産婦人科領域における超音波医学の国際的な発展・交流を目的として超音波診断をこよなく愛する仲間と立ち上げる事としました。世界に目を向けてみますと、1989年にLondonで設立された国際産婦人科超音波学会(ISUOG: International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology)は、学術集会、教育セミナーに加え、各種ガイドラインや国際的な協調活動を目指して活発に活動しています。日本からも数多くの産婦人科医が参加していますが、日本の中での大きなうねりにまで至っておりません。日本の画像診断の分野は、諸外国に比べて、CTやMRIの普及台数が高い一方、経腟超音波診断装置が広く普及しているという特殊な環境となっています。超音波診断の国際基準の教育・普及を図るとともに、日本の情報を積極的に海外に伝える事を目標として本研究会の活動を行っていきたいと思っています。
慶應義塾大学医学部産婦人科 田中 守
Welcome to the JSUOG (Japan Society of Ultrasound of Obstetrics and Gynecology)!
We have started this society with our friends who love ultrasound for the purpose of international development and interaction of gynecological ultrasound in Japan. The International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), which was established in London in 1989, has been organizing academic conferences, educational seminars, various guidelines, and international collaborative activities. Although many obstetricians and gynecologists from Japan have participated in these activities, they have not yet reached the level of a major wave in Japan. The field of diagnostic imaging in Japan is a unique environment in which the number of CT and MRI units is higher than in other countries, while transvaginal ultrasound systems are widely used. We aim to educate and disseminate international standards of ultrasound and to actively convey information from Japan to the rest of the world in the activities of this study group.
In 2021, we will mainly work on WeBinar, and our short-term goal is to hold an academic conference in 2022. I sincerely hope that we can help as many people as possible to become interested in obstetrical and gynecological ultrasound and to spread your wings to the world.
Why don't you join us in creating the future of obstetrical and gynecological ultrasound? All of our members look forward to seeing you at our society.
Nov 1st, 2020
Mamoru Tanaka, MD, PhD.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Keio University School of Medicine